Subconscious Programming
By Furmen
Clear your head for just a moment, if you have to meditate, do when you're finished reading this article and try this section of it out. Now let a sentence pop into your head and kill it before you even finish or start if you can. You'll notice that the thought is something you know the complete thought of from start to finish before you even start it, let alone finish it.
Now we're going to talk about programming your subconscious mind a bit based on using a keyword to trigger you into a trance state perfect for performing various forms of psionics.
This works with other skills as well, so it's not limited to just putting you in the trance state. This article should be fairly short and sweet, so pay attention.
Meditate for as long as it takes you to get into your state of mind needed, the trance state. Now say a keyword you use rarely. I personally make up words I'll remember when doing this so I can be sure that nobody else can trigger me into the state or accidentally send myself into the same state likewise.
Over a period of several practice sessions of doing this with your meditation, possibly between 6 to 10 or more, depending on how long it's taking you to program your subconscious. After about 6 tries or so of just programming with that same keyword every time. Try saying the keyword instead of meditating and notice how you feel. Do you feel yourself go instantly into the trance state? If not, keep trying a few more times of practice before trying again.