Remote Viewing
By c0verst0ry
I'm sure you already know this by now, but remote viewing is the psionic practice of seeing things that are usually distant using nothing more than your mind. I'm just going to go straight into explaining how to remote view something.
To start, simply find a quiet room. You can actually perform the skill anywhere, but when you first start out, you're probably going to notice that quiet, relaxing areas are a major help. Once you've found a relaxing place, be sure that there are minimal distractions that will hinder you. Find a really comfortable position. Loosen up and clear your mind. You don't have to, but I prefer to close my eyes. From here on, I'll be explaining how to do this as if you did close your eyes.
Have you ever noticed how you have two sets of eyelids? The main ones, and then the "second set" that closes when you have your eyes closed and you try to shut your eyes again. You'll be closing both of those.
With both sets of eyelids closed, concentrate on your target. The target can be a random number that represents something, a person's name, a place, a thing, or even an idea or emotion. Whatever your target is, simply concentrate on it and try to get a feel for it. I usually feel some form of connection to my target after concentrating on it. You may not feel this same connection.
Either way, once you've concentrated on your target for what you feel to be a reasonable amount of time, open that inner set of eyelids while keeping your real, physical eyes closed. Once this is done, continue concentrating on your target, but focus your vision on the screen of darkness created by your eyelids. Soon, images should begin to appear. You may see only small balls of color or even faint outlines of images. Even so, pay attention to what you see. Even if you think that you are seeing the wrong thing, or just visualizing something, pay attention to whatever it is that you see. Just go with the flow and pay attention to what you see.
That's basically it on HOW to remote view.
Now, let's talk about some more things, such as different ways to do things. The first thing is that you may want to record what you view. I honestly recommend this. I advise for you use one of three ways to do this.
The first one is to use pen and paper to write down what you viewed. Keep a list of what you were attempting to see, the date and time, and what you actually did see.
The second method would be to record the same thing, only to do it on the computer using a program like Notepad, Microsoft Office Word, or Works Word Processor.
The final way will require you to speak as well as concentrate, so it may be a little tricky. You will use a tape recorder or just a voice recorder to speak your information. You will start by stating the date and time as well as what you are planning to view before you actually begin. Once you begin, you will explain everything that you see and experience. Once you're finished, you will described exactly what you did see in comparison to what you were trying to see.
I almost forgot, you can always record your information as a post in the Remote Viewing Progress topic on the website!
Now, onto ways to confirm what you saw. If you were trying to remote view something such as Egypt or Pluto, I'm sorry to say that you probably won't be able to confirm whether or not you viewed the correct thing. However, if you viewed a friend, you can always ask them if they were doing something that day that you saw them doing while you were remote viewing. Also, you can always work with them from the start. Have that friend go to a place while you try to remote view them. Get together afterwards and describe what you saw to your friend to see if your image matches the place that they were.
Next is targets. You can always remote view people, places, and things. If you want a challenge, or are just interested in the results, try to remote view things like emotions or other abstract things. For something else, you can always pick random latitude and longitude lines to remote view. If you do that, you can check your accuracy by looking up on the Internet to see what's at that point of latitude and longitude.
Finally, there are plenty of websites out there that will provide remote viewing targets, but most of them give long number sequences that I personally find hard to concentrate on. One such site is, if you're interested.
That's all. I hope you learned something from this. Practice this to fine-tune the skill so that you can gain more detail and accuracy with your viewings. Good luck and have fun remote viewing.